So my little baby girl is now two. I can't believe it. It just goes by way too fast. She acts so big and thinks she can do everything by herself. She had a very good birthday and had two days to celebrate. One night with my family and the other with Paul's family. It was great!
Grandma Karla made her a birthday cake, she loved it. She ate a ton of it, I thought she was going to be sick.
I made her a barbie cake and that was fun until I pulled the barbie out. It scared her.
Grandma Karla made her a birthday cake, she loved it. She ate a ton of it, I thought she was going to be sick.
I made her a barbie cake and that was fun until I pulled the barbie out. It scared her.
Isn't it crazy when they turn 2? Shelby acts so big too and I can actually carry on a conversation with her. They're such little people but so adorable.
PS, I noticed that you had our movie blog address on your blog list rather than our family blog-I don't know if you did that intentionally or not but I don't really keep that up much as you can tell I haven't added anything for a year.
Happy Birthday Bailey. I wish I was around to meet her.
i can't believe she is 2 and that I've been watching her for over a year. i love that little girl.
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